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HomeSoftware16 Best 15Five Competitors That You Should Try For Your Business

16 Best 15Five Competitors That You Should Try For Your Business

15Five is a popular performance management software tool used by businesses all over the world. It has many useful features and some drawbacks that can be overcome by using the appropriate alternative. If you dislike 15Five or simply need an alternative, here is a list of ten of the most popular 15Five alternatives you should try.

What exactly is 15Five?

15Five is a tool with features designed to assist business owners and team leaders in tracking, assessing, and providing feedback to their subordinates. It is a two-way tool that allows employees to raise red flags when something does not work as expected.

15Five’s most commonly used features include:

  • Feedback management (including 360-degree feedback);
  • Weekly reports on goals and completion rates;
  • Meetings with individuals (managers and employees);
  • Tracker that is objective.

Why are people using 15Five?

The majority of 15Five users are business owners or managers. This tool provides them with an inside look at the performance of their employees. It allows them to set goals and track their progress toward achieving each one. See What is Braze? Best Braze Alternatives For Customer Engagement.

It also assists managers in identifying gaps in their organization’s workflow and developing potential solutions. Assume you notice that a particular task is frequently overlooked and does not meet the initial deadline. In that case, you can use the integrated weekly report to assess the situation and assign it to multiple people. As a result, more assets work on the same task, completing it much faster. But you should always be aware of how your team and employees work together because some of the hardest tasks require a lot of attention to detail.

16 Best 15Five Competitors & Alternatives That You Should Try For Your Business

Here are some of the best alternatives to 15Five for performance management of your business.

#1. Reflektive


Reflektive 15Five Alternative is a complex platform that provides an intriguing solution for business owners who want to assess their company’s processes and generate relevant employee reviews. This system is a great alternative to applications that allow managers to send performance reviews to their subordinates, and it includes many functions that aren’t directly related to this field.

This application is quite expensive in terms of pricing, but it is especially useful for enterprise-level companies with up to 10,000 users. However, when it comes to employee feedback and performance management, this tool may not be exactly what you’re looking for. Consider the following scenario: You own a marketing firm. Reflektive is a good option if you want a platform that integrates with your system and allows you to control your entire business. However, if all you want to do is provide your users with an interesting and useful performance review, you should consider other options.

#2. Hibob


HiBob is a sophisticated and efficient Human Resources Information System (H.R.I.S.). This solution provides an all-in-one platform for you, the business owner, to manage your company. HiBob, for example, allows you to kick off the entire talent acquisition process, track employment, assess employee engagement, and hold meetings with your subordinates.

Furthermore, this powerful platform provides performance management functions such as 360-degree feedback, customized reviews for each employee, and team activity planning to increase engagement. HiBob’s pricing is not entirely transparent. The vendor does not provide a price on the website, so you will have to inquire after analyzing and determining the precise functions your company requires. It’s a great alternative to 15Five.

#3. Effy


Effy is one of the most popular 15Five alternatives. It is a performance management software tool that allows you to effectively track the activity of your team. Your team members will appreciate weekly check-ins to ensure that everything is going as planned. This function is part of the performance evaluation process.

#4. Lattice


Another alternative To 15Five. Lattice is an employee engagement software application that allows business owners to assess the efficiency of their organization. It includes progress tracking features in addition to the most basic goal management functions, which allow you to set specific objectives for your organization. As a result, you can track what each employee accomplished over a set period of time and get a 360-degree view of how they performed.

This is an excellent way to manage your team, especially when dealing with disengaged employees. Please keep in mind that the level of engagement usually has an impact on the team’s overall performance. So, using Lattice’s functions is a good way to keep your team under control and give each employee in the workflow feedback that is specific to them.

#5. BetterWorks


BetterWorks is a popular 15Five alternative because it performs similar functions. Using the integrated Review section, you can create, optimize, and share 360-degree feedback with each employee in your company. It does not, however, have an Improvement Plan function or a Compensation Management feature.

The main disadvantage of BetterWorks is that there is no free trial version for business owners to try out. As a result, before making the purchase, you must evaluate your company’s requirements. Another red flag with this option is that the vendor does not provide a clear and transparent pricing plan. You must request a customised quote based on your company’s needs and expectations.

#6. Leapsome


Leapsome is a comprehensive software application designed for businesses with up to 1,000 employees. It is an excellent system for tracking the performance of your subordinates by establishing specific organizational goals and then assessing progress. It is based on a set of tasks that you, as the business owner, must establish. As each employee completes a specific task, progress is made toward achieving the business goal.

Leapsome shines in terms of reviews. It provides 360-degree feedback as well as personalized development plans for your employees. Following the identification of a performance gap in your workflow, you can create solutions for your subordinates to implement and then evaluate the results. It is also a finest competitor to 15Five.

#7. StaffCircle


StaffCircle 15Five alternative is a software application designed for businesses with up to 5000 employees, including small and medium-sized enterprises. This Objectives and Key Results Management (OKRS Management) tool has many features. You can, for example, use customised templates to provide personalised feedback to your subordinates.

StaffCircle does not provide a pay-per-employee subscription model in terms of pricing. As a result, you will be required to pay a yearly flat rate. You are always in touch with your company thanks to the mobile app. On the other side of the barrier, your subordinates will love being able to use the integrated mobile app (Android and iOS) to check in every day to make sure everything is going as planned.

#8. Culture Amp


Another great 15Five alternative. Culture Amp is a tool for medium- to large-sized businesses.Small businesses may not be able to afford this expense, especially startups with limited resources. Culture Amp, on the other hand, outperforms in terms of available functions. It has a lot of features, such as 360-degree feedback, compensation management, tracking the review cycle, and many more.

Using the self-assessment section, each employee can conduct a brief review of their performance and identify areas for improvement. You are often said to be your harshest critic. This is the statement that inspired the development of this personal review feature.

#9. PeopleForce


PeopleForce 15Five competitor is a software application designed for HR leaders, business managers, and company executives who strive for maximum efficiency. Many of the functions included in this performance management tool allow team members to stay connected and receive regular updates from their colleagues. For example, the Peer Appraisals function lets you give helpful feedback to other people on your team.

Other interesting features that many business owners take advantage of when using PeopleForce include:

  • “Continuous performance evaluation;
  • Personal development plans
  • Evaluation of abilities
  • Examine cycle tracking.

#10. WorkTango


WorkTango is a one-stop shop that provides bidirectional reviews. On the one hand, business owners can generate engaging feedback for their employees and identify relevant improvement plans. Subordinates, on the other hand, can generate reviews and identify gaps in the company’s workflow. All of this is available on a single platform.

This performance management tool includes a mobile app that allows team members to complete surveys and raises the level of active listening in your organisation. WorkTango includes onboarding solutions for new employees as well as OKRS management functions in addition to the essential functions of performance review. It is a great alternative to 15Five.

#11. Qualtrics


Qualtrics is a good choice if you want an employee engagement app that lets you measure employee engagement and mood from the time they join the company until they leave.

This software will help you build and keep a highly productive team at your company that is engaged with its work.

#12. Peoplebox


Another 15Five alternatives. Peoplebox is the best option for you if you need engagement and performance management software for your remote team.

It is the only engagement and performance management platform made for teams that are spread out and work from different places.

You must face the most difficult challenges as CEOs or HR in leading your remote company: how do I gain visibility into goals, feedback, productivity, and performance? In the absence of water cooler chats, how do I create opportunities for employees to connect with one another?

Peoplebox will resolve both of these issues, as well as many others, allowing you to stay on top of the company’s health at all times.

It will help you see what’s going on by keeping track of goals, feedback, productivity, and performance, so you can make sure that your teams are engaged and working at their best.

It will also help you build connections between team members and create and keep a strong company culture. This will help you get great results and keep good relationships in remote teams.

Peoplebox is the best 15-substitute. Its employee pulse survey will help you figure out what is slowing down your remote teams so that your company can fix the problems and do better.

#13. Officevibe


If you are looking for a powerful platform to help you strengthen trust, collaboration, and team performance among your in-office employees, Officevibe is a great option.

Also, if you run a small business or a single team, you can use the free basic version, which can handle up to 20 employees.

#14. TINYpulse


With TINYpulse, you can work on improving internal communication in your organization in order to foster trust between employees and management, as well as a culture of transparency and accountability.

It’s all about getting a pulse on your employees with short, customizable, and culturally specific surveys that measure things like employee engagement and satisfaction.

TINYpulse is an excellent choice for developing a culture of recognition and appreciation in your organization and translating it into improved performance. It is a great competitor to 15Five.

#15. Engagedly


Engagedly will help you build a community of engaged employees by getting them to talk to each other, work together, and have conversations.

It also enables you to set and track goals for your company in order to improve performance. Its real-time feedback will also let you give feedback to your employees right away and ask anyone for feedback. It is also a great 15Five alternative.

#16. Kazoo


Kazoo combines solutions for employee engagement, management of rewards and performance, and the flow of data across all three modules.

It will help you and your employees stay connected and grow by fostering an inclusive company culture in which everyone is inspired to do their best.

You can also use the software’s continuous check-ins and feedback management features to keep your employees on track.


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